
hive prepWe selected the colors and picked up two new hives sets from Adam Fuller of A&Z Apiaries. Here’s a picture of the boxes prepped.

We also purchased two “used” hives from a retired beekeeper in Thompson. The hives were painted psychodelic rainbow colors. Which actually gave me a headache when looking at them… I refuse to take a picture so we do not hurt your eyes too! So relieved to get those hives sanded and primed. phew!

Here’s a picture of the hives in place and finished painted.hiveboxespaint They are placed in the Bee Yard. Now to name them… we’ll wait till we actually install the girls to name them. I think they look fab.

Mark made an open stand for them so they do not have to be on the ground. We also utilized the 3rds of the alpaca fleeces to spread under the hives so no weeds would grow.

Ahh now to wait till the girls arrive.