
I must say, every year it thrills us how fantastic friends can be. Shearing day can be a trying time, however, isn’t this what its all about? Hard work, hard play and the reward is an amazing fiber fluff of stuff!

A few bumps at first (and as always) as we all gear up and get in the groove of it all. Matt (the shearer) moves slow and precise, more like a choreography of Tai Chi. The teams are corralling, haltering, leading as we have two shearing stations set up end to end of the barn isle. Shearing happening on one end, while the teams get the next alpaca ready. All stretched out on the floor mat, getting a mani and pedi. Some needing teeth trimming, all needing a gentle pat along the neck while waiting.

Fiber teams gathering prime blankets first, then picking seconds into a mixed bag to sort later. Thirds are gathered for the garden and felt batts for our Insolators.

While it all sounds groovy, I have to tell you that Mark and I were so glad we took Monday off to recoup. My knees were swollen from kneeling, however so happy to report that practicing my squats really did pay off!

Now the real fun begins… Skirting, skirting, skirting!